Biblioteca digital: economía y sociedad
Changes in Cuban Society since the nineties
Resumen: This volume has a two-fold purpose. First, it seeks to present and assess critically the changes that have taken place in Cuban soci- ety, economy, politics, and culture as Cuba emerges from the cri- sis of the 1990s. Second, this volume brings together contrasting per- spectives marked by occasionally opposing views, ranging from theoreti- cal discourses to empirical studies that bring together quite different experiences, from both within and outside the island. The pursuit of these objectives must begin with an understanding of the crisis unleashed in the 1990s, which was accelerated by the fall of the Soviet Union. The crisis precipitated the process of change in Cuba that continues to unfold yet remains poorly understood beyond Cuban borders. More difficult, these goals necessitate a critical dialogue among dissonant interpretations that span a broad range of approaches and are not reducible to a single line of conclusions and predictions about the future—a diversity of thought that characterizes both the state of knowledge about Cuban society on the island and that of Cuban studies abroad.
Año: 2005
Como citar: Tulchi, J., et al. (2005).